How to Break a ProShow Slide Style

Slide style designers have good reason when they set up 2 or more layers where, if you select a new image to go into one of them, all the layers automatically switch to the same image. But what if you want different images, darn it all? The way around this is to break the style. Here’s how:

  1. Copy the styled slide.
  2. Paste the copy immediately before the styled slide.
  3. Select both the copy and the original slide.
  4. Right-click the copy.
  5. In the resulting menu, choose Slide Options.
  6. In Slide Options, you’ll see that you’re focused on the copied slide. Using the drag-and-drop method or the Select method, switch the image to the one you want in whichever layer you prefer a different image.
  7. Right-click on the changed layer.
  8. In the resulting menu, choose “Copy > Copy to Selected Slides.” (The styled slide was already selected in step 3.)
  9. Delete the copied slide.
  10. In the styled slide, move the layer you just copied directly above or below the original layer.
  11. Delete the original layer.

You might mess up on the first few attempts because layers can be downright confounding, but persevere, and before you know it, you’ll be breaking stuff like a champ.

Published in: on November 14, 2010 at 3:34 pm  Comments Off on How to Break a ProShow Slide Style  
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